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Collection: Centerless Work Wheels
åtto abrasives centerless grinding
åtto Abrasives is a long-established manufacturer of abrasive wheels for centerless grinding applications.Our range includes;
- Centerless grinding Work Wheels: in rubber & cork specifications for Grinding & Polishing Applications
- Centerless grinding Regulating (Control) Wheels: to control the rotation of the workpiece in centerless grinding.
- Cored Centerless Work Wheels. These are regulating wheels with a steel core for easier mounting ability.
- For all products we can provide high levels of customization in order to suit the strictest requirements.
åtto abrasives rubber bonded centreless work wheels are available in various specifications to suit the material being ground.
it is important to select the correct abrasives for the material being worked. For this reason we provide a wide range of products with:
- Grit sizes available form 54 – 400
- Grades, K,L,M,N,Q
- Bonds rubber & resin
- Grit types, A, WA, WAA, C & CA available